Want to...

          • Clear up cluttered surfaces? 
          • Give your home that open, ultra-clean feel? 
          • Organize all those pretty, can’t-throw-out-but-where-to-put items?
It all begins with wooden pegs. Mini shaker pegs for your necklaces, medium shaker pegs for mugs, jumbo shaker pegs for extension cords… plus more decorative wooden pegs for crafts, furniture, hats, bags, outerwear and everything in-between.You're in the exact right placeThese are super-solid pegs that’ll hold all your important stuff for years. Plus, we’ve got six sizes here at Woodpeckers, with a choice of beautiful birch and attractive oak. And we’ve left these beautiful shaker wall pegs.... UNFINISHED. So you can paint a set of pegs juuuuuuuust like that picture you can’t get out of your head which you can’t find eeeeeenywhere online or on the shelves of 5 local stores. Of course, creating your own piece beats a mass-produced wooden peg rack anyway :). Have fun painting, drilling, gluing -- and enjoy your shaker peg handiwork every time you pass those newly uncluttered, organized places around the house.